Introducing work by Jenny Pollak

Lynchpin welcomes you to the work of Jenny Pollak, visual artist and poet, through her recently launched and expanded new website . Please spend some time exploring the rich variety, depth and integrity of Jenny’s work:  click here Particularly welcome are the new meditative video works that are evolving from a Lynchpin Residency offered Jenny in…


  Lynchpin is pleased to support this conference. IMAGINING A DIFFERENT FUTURE Overcoming Barriers to Climate Justice A multidisciplinary conference examining the barriers to responding to climate change, implementing climate justice, and proposing ways forward. Hobart, Tasmania

8-10 February 2018   Click here to visit the website:  and here for the Program

The ACE CRC’s Project R1.1 team is working to quantify how and why the Southern Ocean is changing, including the human contribution to these changes. The Southern Ocean has a powerful influence on Earth’s climate. This massive body of water stores more anthropogenic heat and carbon dioxide than any other latitude band on Earth. The…

Visit Eveline’s marvellous new website: The Ocean Inside  a video and printmaking project on the Ocean and Climate Change

Antarctica ArtScience Collaboration

Antarctica ArtScience Collaboration between Claire Beynon and Samuel Bowser.   InterfaCE ii from Claire Beynon on Vimeo.    

Under the Sea – two young writers in IMAS

Twitch is the youth engagement and professional development program of the Tasmanian Writers Centre. They presently have  two residents, Jessica Cockerill and Suzi Claflin, observing research and soaking up the science at the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies for the next month. They’re each producing a new piece of writing based on the work being done…

BBC NEWS Full article link By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent 30 October 2017 Concentrations of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere surged to a record high in 2016, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Last year’s increase was 50% higher than the average of the past 10 years. Researchers say a combination of human activities…

  The Deluge Ark(ive) – Nigel Helyer You are invited to an exhibition, performance and artist’s book launch at Moonah Arts Centre.  The Deluge Ark(ive), by Nigel Helyer, is a story that starts thirteen thousand years ago when our ancestors were witness to a catastrophic event. Finally the ice began to melt; the oceans began…

HASSEG Conference 2017 – Video overview

Understanding Antarctica through the Social Sciences and Humanities conference video: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS)/University of Tasmania. Congratulations on a wonderful conference and a marvellous overview of speakers presented here for a wider audience.

To all of us who get downcast and discouraged, I encourage you to read this marvellous speech and recommit to the task we’ve taken on to “never lose sight of the fact that we are all in this together and that we are all deserving of a life that overflows with immense possibility, improbable beauty…